This will help you make better decisions

by on 24/02/2014

butterfly effect “Those who think they have no time for bodily exercises will sooner or later have to find time for illness” – Edward Stanley

Butterfly Effect.

When a small barely noticeable event has a disproportionate unintended effect.

A butterfly flaps its wings in Iowa and eventually creates a tornado in Italy few months later.

Ripple Effect.

When an event has consequences that ripple out wards.

Drop a stone in water and watch the ripple it creates.

Sometimes there are direct consequences (ripple) for what we do and other times the consequences are totally unexpected (butterfly).

If we are not generating new prospects regularly, our cash-flow will suffer at some point.

On a positive note, here is a butterfly effect.

Transform your fitness and transform your business.

Fitness improves your brain function.

Exercise and being in shape can improve your mood.

Less stress.

More clear thinking.

When you take up fitness, your energy increases.

There is confidence, which is perhaps the most under-rated benefit of being in shape.

Exercise releases endorphins. One thing is known for certain about endorphins: their ability to make you feel good. When you feel good, you make a better decisions.

With better decisions, you attract better opportunities for success.

Not all (including my clients) get this.

Fitness and being in shape is not something you do when you retire.

But you may be forced to retire early due to poor fitness and health.

Profit Hub is a Business Club & Mastermind group. However, that does not stop us from focusing health & fitness. Because we know a fit & healthy business owner is a better decision maker.



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