Why you should shift your focus from ‘attention span’ to ‘engagement’

by on 28/05/2014

DOLLAR_DISTRACTED “The mission of the press is to spread culture while destroying the attention span” – Karl Kraus

We are constantly told that our attention span is getting shorter and shorter.

In return, we treat our customers and prospects the same way.

We naturally assume that their attention span is shorter and prepare our marketing and sales strategies based on this.

We prepare shorter videos.

We write short sales copy.

Our blogs are shorter and uninformative.

Here is a simple battle tested truth.

Shorter the attention less sales.

Longer the attention more sales.

That is why some department stores and shopping malls are designed to keep visitors as long as possible.

That is why well-written, fascinating long copy sells more than short ones.

That is why Tupperware and Double glazing sales people stay longer in your living room.

That is why bigger catalogues which keep their readers interest for long, sells more.

In a nutshell the more time your prospect invests the more likely they are to buy.

But just because it is ‘more’ it does not mean more sales.

The more interesting and engaging you communication is your conversion will grow.

But the next question is how much more?

The answer is test.

You do not want to overstay your welcome.


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