Don’t worry about getting customers!

by on 13/01/2014

website-report-graphic If you want to harvest tomatoes in your garden what is the first thing you do?


You plant a seed first.

Nothing else can produce tomatoes in your garden.

You start with a seed.

Then you water the seed, make sure it is getting enough nourishment and sunlight and eventually you will reap a successful harvest of tomatoes.

The same applies to customers.

You grow them.

It starts with a ‘lead’.

You go out and generate ‘leads’.

Then you make sure you inform, educate and nurture your leads like no one can. And sometime in the future a significant portion of your leads will become your customers.

Rinse and repeat and you will have a steady flow of customers to grow your business.

Some of us have no patience to generate leads and grow them to

We expect all our prospects to buy now.

We simply ignore the one’s who don’t buy right away.

Once the paid customers are gone we start chasing new customers again.

Do you want to grow your customers?

Start focusing on ‘lead generation’.

Here is a F-R-E-E resource from my colleague & Local web
marketing expert Leonardo Wood.

This report contains 5 components your website must include (and an action plan) to help you generate more leads and customers
via your website.

Download your report at:

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