Why you should not let ‘change’ choose you

by on 07/03/2014

Why we struggle to change “A year from now, you wish you had started today” – Karen lamb

Nothing stays the same.

Our planet is orbiting the sun at 66630 mph.

It also rotates around 1100 mph.

Human body has around 37 trillion cells.

Trillions of cells in your body somehow assembled to create YOU.

Each cell is performing 1000’s of functions every second and talking to each other at the same time.

And we hate change?

Change will happen.

It will happen to you and me.

It happens almost daily.

Most of the simple changes, we take it on the stride.

The bottom line is, in most cases we don’t like change.

Mainly the big ones.

We avoid it, go around it, ignore it and put up with our present undesirable situations so that we don’t have to change.

When we do that, change is forced upon us.

Change is inevitable.

Change in uncomfortable.

When change is forced upon us, we feel grieved.

Now we get ‘uncomfortable ‘ circumstances thrust upon us.

Once we accept change as inevitable and move with it, our comfort level gets disturbed at the beginning… but at the end, we invite circumstances that are more comfortable.

Ignore New Year’s resolutions and go for profound change in your business and life.

At some point, my clients chose to hire a business coach. They don’t like change either. But they made that change in spite of their fears and doubts.

Their biggest fear was not the change.

It was the fear of what would happen if they did not embrace change.

Choose change. Don’t let it choose you.

Choose change. Get help. Invite growth and success!

Join Profit Hub.





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