“I’ve got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel” – Edmund Blackdder & Baldrick
This is true for me and other business owners I know.
I start with a brilliant plan which will should see me through to the end.
It could be a business plan.
It may have been a marketing plan.
May even be a plan to complete a project.
But in all cases, the plan that got me to the end is not the plan I started with.
Yes, the original blue print (plan) was useless.
I did waste a lot of time preparing that perfect plan.
And at the end, it was useless.
Here is the lesson I learned.
There is no such thing as a perfect plan.
So should we ditch planning?
Instead of creating plan to get you to the finish, create a plan that will get you started.
Yes, the purpose of you plan is to get you started and get you moving.
Putting too much energy into a big, long plan will paralyze momentum.
A simple plan would suffice to get you started.
Once you get to the first stage, create another one to take you to the next stage and so on.
This will get you moving fast.
You become good at course correction.
You get to the end much faster.
Our Profit Hubbers plan for the next 90 days. We are nimble because we keep it simple.
+ Ravi Peal-Shankar
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