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The paradox of attracting your ideal client

by on 01/06/2014

Business Coach Essex, Business Coach Colchester Lighthouses don’t Fire Cannons to call Attention to their Shining. – Dwight L. Moody

Imagine your job is to catch ‘deer’.

You can take two approaches.

The first, you get your hunting gear.

You stalk them.

You follow them.

And at some point, you go for the kill.

There is a problem with this approach.

The deer knows you are after it and is constantly finding ways to avoid you.

If you miss the kill, you end up with nothing.

Here is a second approach.

You build a pond for the deer to come along and quench their thirst.

This way you attract many deer to you.

You get to choose the deer you want.

The second choice is hard at the beginning.

You have to invest time and energy building a pond.

Attracting your ideal clients is no different.

Unless you build a ‘value bridge’, you will be chasing clients who are trying to avoid you.

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