Not enough customers? This could be the reason!

by on 23/10/2012

Not enough customers?

Whether you are in retail or service business and do not have enough customers, here is the main reason:

You do not have enough prospects!

Prospects: People who are ready to buy but do not know  (or know enough) about you and your business.  Most of us are trained to go out and get customers. We want people to buy from us on the first date. Yes, some people will buy straight away. That is because they were in urgent need of our offering or we happen to tun up just on time.

Finding people to buy is hard. But finding prospects who are in the market to buy but not ready to commit yet is less harder.

So the first step is to create a system to invite prospects to our business. A free report, free sample, white paper or anything that will get a prospect to show interest in our offer and opt-in to receive it.

When we invite a prospect (in to our database) and they accept it, consider it great news!


This is what our prospect is telling us. “I am in the market to buy your offering.  I do not know enough about your business to buy from you. Please educate me on why I should choose you”.

Once we build a big enough database of prospects, the next step is to create a system to inform,educate and nurture our prospects of the value we provide. Over a period of time these prospects will become our valuable customers. Nurturing our prospect database is the ultimate leverage in our business. Nurturing is about building solid relationships with the right people and leading them to the purchase when ‘they’ are ready.


There are certain types of businesses where generating a prospect is not easy. A young man getting a shoulder injury for the first time is unlikely to have been a ‘prospect’ for a Physiotherapy Clinic in the past.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Brandy Mychals and Vinca Heart January 8, 2013 at 05:33

If business is not getting enough customers then this is serious for business owner and various reasons may lead to this situation. Better leadership, marketing planning strategy, and management of time, short term goal and like this many more key factors work parallel to achieve business growth.


2 Ravi Peal-Shankar January 8, 2013 at 16:07

Yes. You have raised some valid points. Thank You.


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