Is your personal bandwidth stretched to the maximum?

by on 09/12/2013

personal bandwidth Are you maxed out?

Are you stretched and cannot take anymore?

When we spend most of our time on insignificant things that don’t move us forward, we fill up our bandwidth. Over the days, months and years we have accumulated habits without questioning them. We learn to cope with taking on more and more hoping that it is going to get us to success.

The end result? Our bandwidth is stretched to its maximum and we are no longer productive. Clogging our bandwidth depletes our energy and focus and will drive us to make poor decisions.

You are the only person who can control your bandwidth. Only you can control what you put in and what you take out from your bandwidth.

So be mindful as to what you add to your bandwidth. As Jackson Kiddard says, “The wise know that too much doing and a thing won’t get done. The secret to manifesting on the highest level is to find the perfect amount of doing and non-doing to allow the doing to be done. Sometimes much more can be accomplished simply by letting go and trusting.”

Here is a list of 18 things that will keep your bandwidth flowing smoothly

  1. Get a Coach to help you. An outsider who is detached can help you cut the clutter and guide you better.
  2. Get clear on where you are heading. Do only things that contributes to where you are going. Ruthlessly drop things that takes you away from your goal.
  3. Take time out (Get perspective). Simply stop without panicking. Step back and get some perspective on your situation.
  4. Are your actions part of your overall strategy? Unless you actions and time is consumed only towards your main strategy, you are wasting time and energy.
  5. Meditate: Take time to meditate. Meditation not only calms your mind, continuous practice allows you to listen to your inner voice (intuition).
  6. Surround yourself with people who inspire possibilities (mastermind group): A group of like-minded, high frequency people can help you make sense of where you are and guide you towards where you want to go.
  7. Let go: Outcome is always out of our control. Let go of things you cannot control. Trust in things you can control.
  8. Improve your skills: We cannot be good at everything. Are there skills that can really add value towards your journey? Skill of managing your time, skill of delegating etc… can ease your burden and still keep you on track.
  9. Avoid multi-tasking: Research has established again and again that multi-tasking simply produces a bunch of average results. It tends to dilute your effort but consume a lot of energy. Focus on one thing at a time to its completion and move on.
  10. Bring structure to your day: The idea is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priority. Before interruptions, begin start tackling your priorities.
  11. Temptation bundling: This term was coined by Professor Katherine Milkman. The idea is to combine something you have to do with something you are tempted to do. (Bundle something you like with something you must do but keep putting off). For an example you hate ironing your clothes and you keep putting it off. But you also like to watch certain TV programmes. Why not combine both!
  12. Learn to say NO. Get in to the habit of saying NO to things that clog your bandwidth. This habit alone can improve your bandwidth massively. “Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” – Josh Billings
  13. Have a purpose for each day. What do you want to achieve each day. Decide on the purpose of each day, the day before.
  14. Practice mindfulness. This simply means being present each and every moment. When your attention drifts to the past or the future gently bring it back to the present.
  15. Get to know your prime time. We all have our own prime time. (Mine is 3 hours very early in the morning). Treat your prime time as the most sacred part of your day and if necessary shut yourself from the rest of the world to get things done.
  16. Plan time-out. Take time out without feeling guilty or destroying the day. If you schedule in time for walks, meditation, reading, etc… then you are in control.
  17. Protect your energy at all cost. You cannot be productive unless your energy levels are high. Eat and drink natural produce that maintains your natural high energy levels. Keep away from artificial energy boosting drinks etc. Make sure your thoughts are kept in check as negative thoughts will certainly drain energy.
  18. The idea here is NOT to fill you day with hundreds of tasks. Accomplish key tasks (your priority tasks) every day on a consistent basis. Structure your day with a balance of activities. Exercise, meditating, reading, cooking and time with family and friends are some activities that will bring balance to the day.

 Few focused activities completed consistently can produce exponential results while allowing you to live a more mindful life.


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