How to keep yourself motivated day in day out!

by on 12/08/2013

daily motivation You can listen to inspirational speakers, read uplifting books and attend motivational seminars. But at the end when the ‘effects’ of motivation wears off and the day to day grind takes over our motivation levels will take a deep dive. Motivation deserts us when we most need it – to keep us going on a day-to-day basis.

Here are some methods that I use to keep myself motivated on a day-to-day basis:

  1. Everyday make a deliberate decision to stay motivated: Don’t let the day decide what type of state you are going to be in. Make a deliberate choice to stay motivated throughout the day.
  2. Visualize how you want to finish the day: It should not take more than couple of minutes to imagine and feel how you want to finish the day. Don’t focus on the ‘how’s, simply imagine that you have had a successful day and focus on the feeling of success.
  3. Start the day with positive actions. Don’t start the day with checking emails and social media as they will distract and drain your focus. Meditate, go for a run and get ready to be present.
  4. Learn the art of ignoring: If it is not important then ignore what ever it is that is attracting your attention. The habit of ignoring is one of the powerful habits you can cultivate to improve your productivity
  5. Have a regimented routine: Rather than be governed by whim, at certain times of the day stick to certain routines that add value to your day and life. If you have blocked time for the gym, then do it. If you have planned to take a walk between 3-4 pm, just do it.
  6. Avoid people who drain your energy: People who love ‘pity parties’ love to build their audience. They love to complain, whinge and moan. They need to have a crowd around them to add fuel to their pity party. Don’t be part of that crowd. These energy vampires will suck up all your energy.
  7. Work some sweat: When you exercise, certain chemicals and hormones are released that can set you up for the day. Endorphins can get you exhilarated, the release of Dopamine can increase the feeling of pleasure and Serotonin will aid happiness and restful sleep.
  8. Be kind to yourself. Every now and then you will drop the ball. It is not the end of the world. Don’t beat yourself up. Give yourself a pep talk and get back on track.
  9. Talk to people who inspire you:  When I feel lack of motivation, I simply call my friends and colleagues and explain how I feel and within few minutes they will get me back on track. Surround yourself with people who inspire possibilities.
  10. Create a motivating environment: Make your environment clutter free, with inspirational quotes and motivational images, music and anything that can energize you.
  11. Use positive affirmations: Just remember you are constantly talking to yourself anyway. Why not make it a positive one.
  12. Do Less: Don’t clutter your day with weak goals. Determine what three important things to accomplish tomorrow are, personally and professionally, schedule them in your calendar, and complete or accomplish them.

motivateyourself daily


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