Are you a victim of “Sisyphean Effect”?

by on 08/05/2014

Business Coach Essex As the tale goes, the Greek figure Sisyphus was punished by the gods to roll a huge rock up a steep hill. Before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll down again, forcing him to begin again. Sisyphus spent his days repeating this task time and time again, without success. This endless pursuit with constant frustration has been termed “a Sisyphean challenge”.

In business, we are constantly pushing huge rocks up hill.

It could be improving cash flow.

It could be attracting new clients or customers.

It could be chasing customers to pay up.

Sisyphus had only one rock to push up hill.

We have several rocks to move.

There is only one way you can get most of the rocks to the top.

You need support.

You need a team around you that can raise the bar and help you not just move rocks but move mountains.

What is stopping you building that team of support around you?

Is it the cost?

It is because you have no time to find and build such a team?

What would be the ultimate cost of NOT having a team to support you NOW?

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