YOU are the best!

by on 08/07/2013

youarethebest At the end there is only YOU. No one else.

YOU are the one who turned up to this wonderful planet. YOU will also be leaving it. In between, YOU are the one living your life. No one else can live it for you.

YOU are not here to do stuff. You are here to be YOU. Be the magnificent YOU. Be the shining YOU.

You are that special that even Google does NOT know about you. You are not that common to be included in search engines.

Want proof?

I googled ‘YOU’ and this is what I got.


Then I decided to Google ‘ME’ and this is what I got!


Unfortunately, YOU also forget who you really are. What I mean by this is that when everything else other than YOU becomes important to you – such as money, mortgage, family, shiny objects, work, business – You have forgotten who you really are. It is as if we are on the practice run for getting Alzheimer’s disease.

This blog is a gentle nudge to YOU (and ME) to get back on track of being YOU.

Trust YOU: If you cannot trust you, whom else can you trust? Trust has nothing to do with not making mistakes. Trusting means that whatever steps you take towards the unknown, you will be fine, irrespective of the out come.

Bet on YOU: Whether you recognize it or not, you are here to bring unique gifts to this planet in a way only you can. Be bold and go for it. Keep going until you share your gifts with as many people as possible. Bet on YOU to do that.

Love YOU: This is all about unconditionally accepting you. That does not mean you should NOT work at improving yourself. Stop judging, comparing and yourself to others and accept and value your uniqueness (even when you not sure what it is). Stop the habits of criticizing and fault finding in your self. Fully accept and allow yourself to be who you really are.

Believe in YOU: Anything is possible when you believe. Believe you can accomplish anything you want. Believe that you deserve all the success.

Nurture yourself: You cannot be poor enough or sick enough to help others. The only way to help others is to look after you first. It is NOT a selfish act. The most selfless thing you can do is put yourself first. In an aircraft when the safety announcement is made, why do you think they ask YOU to put on the oxygen mask first before you start helping your family? Unless you are okay, you are useless to others.

Let go of yourself: Letting to means, letting go of attachment to the outcome. Being attached to the outcome is like running with a concrete slab attached to your ankle. It will wear you out sooner or later. Let go of fear, anxiety, jealousy, guilt, worry, greed, hate. They are not worth your attention.

Celebrate yourself: You are unique in this world is enough to celebrate. You are not an accident. You are not trapped in your work, relationships or commitments. They are illusions we created. You are NOT part of the matrix. Celebrate your existence just because you are here.

Be kind to yourself: Every time you tell yourself off, curse, dislike or hate part of your body, get angry, want revenge, you are harming your self. You cannot be kind to others when you treat yourself differently. Be the type of kindest person you want to meet.

Don’t try and be like any one else. Just be the best YOU can be! It’s in your power to be FREE. It’s not something you have to work at, it’s a gift you give yourself.

you are unique

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