When your clients say ‘Jump’, do you jump?

by on 30/01/2014

letgo “Some think that holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it’s letting go.” – Herman Hesse

When your clients say ‘Jump’, do you jump?

For most of us the temptation is to say ‘how high’?

From there on, your client wins and you lose.

You cost 50 hours for the project to be completed and end up spending more than 100 hours because your client is using your fear of losing them to get you running around like a headless chicken.

It becomes an unprofitable job.

But you still hold on to that client.



Fear , if you let go, you won’t be able to find your next client.

You would rather lose money than let go of an unprofitable client!

Here is my suggestion.

Let go of all unprofitable clients.

It is not easy.

But don’t justify hanging on to them.

Your mind will be so consumed by them to a point all you will be attracting is more unprofitable clients.

Once you gradually let go of the unprofitable clients, start focusing on who you want to attract.

Write out a list of the qualities of your ideal (profitable) clients you want to attract.

Remember, it is your business.

You rule.

Choose to work with your ideal clients.

A warning!

Just because you created a list detailing the ideal qualities you expect from your client, they are not going to be knocking your door down straight away.

Here is a question you must answer first.

Do you reflect your ideal client?

Life is a mirror and reflects our beliefs and thoughts.

Your clients are a reflection of you!

When you start reflecting your ideal client, you will be amazed how your business can transform.

I will be announcing the details of Profit Hub soon where we will work on attracting our ideal clients!

Why not pre-register to receive information about the
launch of our Business Mastermind Group – PROFIT HUB?


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