“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.” – Brian Tracy
A while back, I attended a workshop to learn how to trade the financial markets including the forex market.
The training was superb.
We all left the training with clear instructions on how to successfully trade.
Years later some of the participants got together to review our progress.
The results were amazing.
Some were poor, others were average and few produced excellent results.
Considering we all left the training with the same instructions, how could we all come out with different results?
It was evident that ‘action’ was NOT the missing ingredient.
When you dig deeper, it appears that the ‘mindset’ of each of us was different.
And it was this ‘mindset’ that was governing our actions.
We all had different ‘beliefs’ on what we could achieve and our actions and results reflected that.
Don’t judge an iceberg by what you see above the water.
A lot happens below the water.
And that is what makes the difference.
Producing a specific outcome requires a specific mindset.
This mindset will guide you to the right actions.
If you want to produce the right results make sure your actions are aligned with your beliefs.
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