Want to make more money in your business? Have you considered this?

by on 12/11/2012

What does making more money in your business mean to you?

Is it getting more customers? Is it reducing costs?  Is it increasing your prices? Does it have do with more marketing?

Here is the bottom line. Making money has direct correlation to the impact you have on their (your prospects and customers) lives. So if you want to make more money have more impact on your customer’s lives.

What does having an impact mean?

The only reason our business should exist is to make the lives of our customer better in some way. Our customers are not there to make our lives better. It is the other way around!

When we strategise our actions to focus on making the highest possible impact – a shift happens. We stop ‘needing’ anything from any one. Our mindset transmits “giving” signals instead of “I want to sell you something and I want your money” signals. We stop chasing customers. Those who value us will be attracted to us.

On the other hand, if we are desperate to ‘sell’ – we become needy. This indicates we don’t value ourselves and our offering. We go out with ‘lack’ and chase customers and their money.  We start blaming every one and everything outside of us for the ‘lack’ of success.

We should always ask ourselves, how can I have the highest impact on my prospects and customers business, health, skills, knowledge, life, motivation, wealth, sales, marketing and so on?

Our clients reflect us

If we find clients who are desperate, chances are we are desperate too. If our clients are not paying us, guess what we were never good at paying our suppliers on time either. Who we attract is a magnification of who we are. If we turn up with the intention of having the highest impact on our prospects and clients, we will attract clients we not only enjoy working with, but also have massive impact on our lives.

Mindset of giving

I am referring to giving without expecting anything in return. What we give or offer must have an impact. It must improve their life or business in some way.

Create a structure to deliver impact

To have the highest impact we must create a ‘conduit’ to connect to our prospects.  In my business this ‘conduit’ can be a seminar, webinar, free coaching sessions, or free subscription to my website to receive my newsletters. Beyond that I have several landing pages just to give out free e-books on various business topics to educate and improve their business in some way.

It is all about you

One of the reasons many of us don’t take this approach is lack of self-worth. When we don’t value our selves, we cannot go out and create value to others

You are more valuable than you think. Who you are is what your clients buy. The impact you have on your prospects even before they spend a dime, makes you irresistible. This is the single most effective way to getting more clients and making more money.

Go and give unconditionally.

The right prospects will turn up.

More clients will show up.

More money will show up.

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