You can have anything you want – The story of 10ft chop sticks

by on 18/02/2013

There was once a gentleman who wanted to check out the after life. He heard about heaven and hell and wanted to see what they were really like.

After all, he thought “if I lived a good life and I get to the after life and find out that it’s all big lie I would be pretty peeved”. Especially after refusing to eat all the good food because he thought it was wrong to be so gluttonous. But if it didn’t matter, then he would rather enjoy himself and eat as much as he could.

So he booked a guided tour to heaven and hell for one day.

First, his guide took him to the gates of hell. As he peered through the gates he saw a marvellous array of the most wonderful food piled high on large tables for as far as the eye could see. It looked great he thought!

So he wondered through the gates with his guide. On and on they walked and all the while they were surrounded by the most wonderful food he has ever seen.

This seem more heaven to him than hell. “Wow hell is the place for me” he thought and told the guide. “This is incredible- all the food I could eat and what could be wrong with that? Food for eternity it’s my dream” he said…

His guide said nothing. However as they walked in to a large hall with a table many miles long piled up with food, he noticed all the people who were sitting around the table were ill and sick and skinny. People with little or no flesh left on their bone.

They were complaining of hunger for whole of eternity!!!!

The man turned to his guide… but I don’t understand … there is all the food and yet these people are starved….how can this be possible he said?

Look more closely replied his guide… you’ll see the reason soon.

As he got nearer to the people, he saw they were holding very long chop sticks. As the man looked on he saw that no one could use their 10ft chop sticks to eat the food. They could pick the food with their chopsticks but could not get it into their mouths…

Seeing this he thought it is now time to take a tour of heaven…

As he wondered through the pearly gates with his guide he was amazed that everything looked the same (as hell). Huge piles of food all around; food as far as the eye could see. On and on they walked until, as in hell they came to another large hall…with a table many miles long and full of food…and once again he noticed that people were holding 10ft chop sticks.

Only this time these people were, healthy very happy, well fed and completely different to hell.

“But I don’t understand” the man asked his guide. “How come everyone here is happy and healthy while… everyone in hell is starving?”

His guide looks at him and replied … the difference is simple… it’s in the state of mind. “Look more closely” and the man did. And he quickly realised what was happening…

In heaven each person used the 10ft chop sticks to pick the food and feed the person opposite them. In return the person opposite will do the same back. Both individuals got fed. However in hell people were afraid of some one stealing their food and selfishly trying to use their 10ft chop sticks to feed themselves. And that’s why they go hungry!

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want – Zig Ziglar

The story of 10ft chopsticks

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