It is a numbers game

by on 04/09/2014

Business Coach Essex “The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.” – Jacob Lew

Business is a numbers game.

So lets phone up hundreds of unsuspecting people and ask them to buy from us.

Go on Face Book and badger thousands of people to like us.

Proudly announce the size of your Twitter following.

For most of us, this is how we understand the numbers game.

Yes, it is a numbers game.

But why not look at differently.

  • Why not work with less but add more meaning to your communication.
  • Why not focus on adding more ‘value’ to you prospects?
  • Why not focus on having the biggest impact?
  • Why not focus on the quality of engagement rather than the quantity of connections?

When you look at numbers this way, it really helps people at the other end of your communication to judge you in a state of mind that makes them not only place a higher value on your contribution, but want more.

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