Here are 3 key Indicators that can help you with your Landing page ROI. (Return On Investment)
Conversion rate: This is the percentage of visitors who turn into a lead, sale or a desired outcome.
Here are some Influencing factors:
– Sales Copy
-Call to action
Bounce Rate: If your visitots “bounce off” your page without spending anytime there, here are some reasons why:
– accidental traffic or are unqualified buyers
– Not enough ‘reasons why’ to stay on page
– Poor (or no) ‘call to action’
Cost per Sale v Life Time Value: How much does it cost to get a prospect to your site VS Average Sale per cuotomer. So if you spend £500 per month on driving traffic to your site (via Offline Ad’s/Online Ad’s/Cost of SEO) and it produces a turover of £2000. This means to produce £1 in sales you have to spend £0.25. But if the life time value of that customer is £10, then for every £0.25 you spend you are making £10 over the life time of that customer with you.
+ Ravi Peal-Shankar
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