Indifferent unsubscribes

by on 11/02/2010

When someone unsubscribes from your newsletter you will know the numbers. If you see the numbers go up, you can do something about it.

But 58 to 60% of your subscribers lose interest in your newsletter but don’t unsubscribe. I call this “indifferent unsubscribe”. These audience were interested in your newsletter at some point in time. So what has turned them into indifferent unsubscribes?.

Here are some points to consider to get a higher response from your e-mail marketing.

  1. The lack of relevance; this is cited as being one of the main reasons why people unsubscribe or becomeindifferent unsubscribes. Your e-mails must address the concerns of your target audience. Without  relevance how can you connect to your audience? (The google empire was build around one simple thing – relevance)
  2. The lack of engagement; how do you engage your prospect and keep them interested in your e-mails? What they read in the first few seconds will determine whether they are going to read the rest. So pay attention to the subject line to start with. Then look at the e-mail copy to see whether it is engaging enough. Every now and then throw in a survey or special offer to keep your target audience engaged.

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