How to do what you should do, but never do!

by on 24/06/2013

god kills a hamster Most of us are wired to take the path of least resistance. I was talking to a business colleague recently about blogging and he said, “ I know I should do it, but I never get around to it”.

You and I know in business and in life that we always don’t to what we should do.

Why we don’t do what we should do?

Lack of interest: If blogging is not of interest to you, the chances are you will find reasons NOT do it.

Lack of knowledge: This is another reason why put off accomplishing what we should. ”I don’t want to start until I know a bit more” is a way of not starting something.

Lack of commitment: We know we should have a system for ‘saving’ money. But unless we are really committed to it, it is not going to happen. We desire the end result, like a lot of money or a fit body but are not willing to really commit to going through the process of achieving it.

Do not realise the consequence: “It is not going to happen to me” mind set. Although we should be saving we don’t really ‘get’ the consequence later in our life of NOT saving. Poor eating, exercising and metal habits will lead to serious illness at an early age. You and I know this. But how many of us really commit to maintaining excellent habits in these three areas?

Poor Previous experience: If we did write that blog and did struggle in the process of writing, it is not a great incentive to carry on blogging.

Lack of skill: If the job requires you to learn a new skill, it could be a great excuse for putting off starting.

Too Big: From a standing start, writing content rich blog could be prohibitive because it could be overwhelming.

Comfort Zone: If it is doing something new means, we need to change. Change means shifting comfort zones and we don’t like it.

Illusion of time: We always feel we have more time than there actually is. Hence we put it off for another day.

Lack of accountability: If you are not held accountable for writing a blog or committing to a savings plan, we can easily drift towards the path of least resistance .

Here are six steps to do what you should do

  1. Commit: Unless you are whole-heartedly commit to your goal, the chances are that it is not going to happen. Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to focused effort.
  2. Tackle big jobs first: We dance around big jobs, filling our time with easy time fillers. Plan to get the big jobs done first.(see next point)
  3. Break big jobs in to small manageable parts and start tackling them one little bit at a time. You will accomplish more by managing a series of small tasks regularly than attempting to take one big task all at once.
  4. Imagine what difference it will make to your life when these jobs are completed. Don’t just think. Imagine vividly. What does it feel like? If you want to focus on getting fit, imagine what it will feel like to run 10 miles without much of an effort. Imagine how you will feel when you are at the beach. Imagine playing with your kids or grandkids without running out of breath.
  5. Get accountability: Get a mentor or a coach, who will hold you accountable for making sure you get things done. Or put something at stake if you don’t accomplish a task or project. Put your money or reputation at stake if you don’t do what you have committed to. If you cannot get a coach or a mentor, websites like can help you set goals and commit some money to an escrow account to a charity if you don’t achieve those goals.
  6. Surround your self with people who refuse to let you fail. In my opinion this is one of the most important of them all. Build a team or a mastermind group that not only supports your success but refuse to let you fail. On the opposite you also must be prepared to walk way from people who will NOT support your dream.

  if it matters do it

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