How to attract clients who pay you what you are worth, pay you on time and refer you to more prospects!

by on 23/03/2013

cowdonkey Customers who demand too much – Clients who don’t pay on time – Customers who don’t pay at all – Clients who treat us like we should be grateful for their business. Why do we put up with it?

On the other hand imagine customers who value us, who pay us on time and always refer people to us. Why do we have few of these clients?

So why do we attract clients we hate? The keyword here is ‘attract’. Yes we attract them. Of course we deliberately don’t choose to attract bad customers.

That is the problem. We don’t deliberately choose either way.

Here are some reasons why we attract customers we hate:

  • We don’t deliberately choose to attract good customers.
  • We are only after the money. “Anyone with a pulse and a cheque book” will do mindset will attract people who will let you down later.
  • Our products and services are not of high calibre.
  • Price is the driving force in your transaction and not relationship.

Here are some hints and tips to attract your ideal customer.

1. You make a deliberate choice to only work with your ideal client or customer.

2. Define your ideal customer. Not in terms of industry, turnover, geography etc… but in terms of ideal qualities you look for. Here is an example:

  • Our ideal customer pays us on time
  • Our ideal customer values our contribution to their business
  • Our ideal customer can’t wait to refer us to others
  • Our ideal customer talks about us positively
  • Our ideal customer enjoys paying us
  • Our ideal customer really wants us to succeed
  • Our ideal customer values the quality of work we provide

3. You become your ideal client. This is a tough one. You can’t expect your ideal client to pay you on time, while you don’t pay your suppliers on time. You cannot expect your customers to pay a good price for the quality of work you supply, while you choose cheap options for your business. You get the drift. If you want to attract your ideal client you MUST become your ideal client. You need to live your ideal client first.
4. Let your ideal clients know they are your ideal client and thank them for it.

5. Promote who you want to work with. Let the market place know that you have a choice and you only choose to work with clients who fit your ideal client profile.
6. Be prepared to say no. If you are approached by a prospect who does not fit your ideal client profile, say NO. (or refer them to someone else)
7. Review your ideal client list daily. Print them and have them displayed where you and your team will look at them daily. Keep adding to it if necessary. When you become immersed in your ideal client list you WILL attract them.

Life is too short to work with people you hate. Remember it is your business and don’t work with people who make you hate your own business. The more you are clear on who you want to attract, you will attract people you love to work with.

You will attract who you ‘become’ . Become the client you want to attract.

become the attraction you seek

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