The road is better than the Inn

8 September 2014

“The road is always better than the inn.” ― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra I was watching an interview with Chris Hadfield. Chris is a Canadian astronaut, who became famous when he sang David Bowie’s Space Oddity while in space. The interviewer asked him an interesting question. If only a very small percentage of Astronauts get […]

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Unicorns and branding

7 September 2014

“Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room” – Unknown Here is my take on spending your time and money ‘Branding’ your product or service. Branding: Take what you are selling, inflate it with exciting ideologies, serenade it with few abstractions, infuse some stirring feelings, inject a bit of […]

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It is a numbers game

4 September 2014

“The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.” – Jacob Lew Business is a numbers game. So lets phone up hundreds of unsuspecting people and ask them to buy from us. Go on Face Book and badger thousands of people to like us. Proudly announce the […]

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How to handle failure

3 September 2014

“Detachment means letting go and non attachment means simply letting be.” ― Stephen Levin It is said that people get over their parents death faster than parents get over their children’s death. Psychologists think they know why. It is because adults do not imaging their parents in their future dreams. On the other hand, adults […]

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Nothing happens without this

31 August 2014

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney An object that appears to be moving in a straight line encounters several pulls to keep it off course. A rocket that is sent to the moon is ‘off course’ 97% of the time. An aircraft is constantly ‘off course’ […]

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Do you know the true path to your goal?

28 August 2014

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The […]

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What is the price?

26 August 2014

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi Everything in this universe has two sides. The Yin and Yang. So does success. The other side of […]

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Mind the gap – there is money in it

21 August 2014

“Music is the silence between the notes.” – Claude Debussy A void always gets filled. A gap does not remain a gap for long. Silence has the same effect. In a conversation between two people, silence is rare. But silence has power. In selling, silence is golden. After asking your prospect a question, your job […]

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Please go backwards

19 August 2014

“Start with the end in mind.” ― Stephen R. Covey A young soldier wakes up in his army barracks one morning and begins acting very strangely. He spends all his time searching, looking under, in, behind – everywhere- in an obsessive search for something. When his commanding officer asks what is going on, the soldier […]

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Are you being used?

17 August 2014

“Anything that does not belong where it is, the way it is, is an “open loop” pulling on your attention.” David Allen I use to think I must manage my time wisely. My understanding was that time is there to be ‘used’. Now I look at it differently. All of us have 24 hours in […]

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